How to Use Interactive Brokers to Invest into the S&P 100 Balanced Strategy

How to Use Interactive Brokers to Invest into the S&P 100 Balanced Strategy
This guide explains how to turn your virtual portfolio from the Analytical Platform into a real one.
You will need to use the Interactive Brokers website, Analytical Platform website, and finally a Traders Workstation application. The Analytical Platform needs your IBKR account number, opened positions, and available funds to generate a report, therefore in the first step head over to the IBKR website and download your current statement. It is necessary to start with this step even if you have just opened your account at IBKR and have not bought any stocks yet.
Download input for generating the report
Log into your IBKR account and select “Statements” in the “Reports” drop-down menu. Then click on the right-pointing arrow button at the “Realized Summary” line in the “Default Statements” section to open a new window. Choose “PDF” in the “Format” section and click the “Run” button to download the file you need. It is not necessary to change the information in other lines as these are irrelevant for generating a new report.

Generate the report
Go to the Analytical Platform website and sign in with your e-mail and password. Find the latest “Annual” report on the StockPicking Lab page. Click on the more options icon and select “Rebalance report”. A new window will occur. Next, fill in the amount you want to invest in the “Initial capital (USD)” field. It is necessary to add your current portfolio here so upload the PDF file you just downloaded from the IBKR website and click on the “Rebalance report” button. The last step is clicking on “Download in cvs” and “Download in pdf” to save all the necessary documents to your PC.

Rebalance your portfolio
The Trader Workstation desktop application is used for uploading our rebalancing orders. You can download the latest version here. Make sure to download the “TWS Latest” version. When the installation is complete, log into your account with an IBKR username and password. It is necessary to pass the two-factor authentication – fill in the code that you receive via SMS or approve the login with the IBKR mobile application.
To upload our rebalance order you need to click on “File” in the upper-left corner and select “BasketTrader”. Upload your .csv file in the “Basket File” field. Leave the “Don’t round share size” boxes checked and continue with “OK”. It is recommended to check if all the stock tickers in the “Financial Instrument” column match your PDF document downloaded from the Analytical Platform website. You can submit all the orders by clicking on the “Transmit” button under the “Execute Basket” text.