How to Register on the Analytical Platform and Work with the StockPicking Lab Reports

How to Register on the Analytical Platform and Work with the StockPicking Lab Reports
The registration process is fast and straightforward. We will show you how to create a new account in this tutorial. We will also show you how to choose a report and add it to “Favourite reports” so that you get notified every time you should rebalance your portfolio.
At present, we are generating reports with monthly predictions. The optimal way to work with these lists of undervalued and overvalued stocks is to rebalance your portfolio once every month. Follow these steps to register and make use of our reports.
- Go to the Analytical Platform website and select the “Sign Up Free” button to get to the registration page.

- Enter your e-mail address, password of at least 8 characters and repeat the password one more time. Tick the “I agree with terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy” box before selecting the “Create My Account” button.
- Open your e-mail account you provided at the registration and look for an e-mail from the Analytical Platform. If you don’t see any new e-mail in your inbox after a few minutes, have a look in your spam folder. To confirm your e-mail address, copy or click on the link from our e-mail.
- You just created your Analytical Platform account, and you will be getting an e-mail confirming your registration. Go back to the Analytical Platform website and select the “Log in” button to get to the login page.
- Enter your e-mail address and password and select the “Log in” button to log in to your account.
- Find the “Latest” generated report and click on the magnifier icon to enter the detail section.
- Select the “Add to favourite reports” button to add this report to “Favourite reports”.
- Select the “Favourite reports” button to enter into the section with all your “Favourite reports”. Here, you should find the “Latest” report that you just added.
By marking the report as “Favourite”, you will be alerted when this report is about to expire. You will get the first e-mail notification seven days before the expiration and the second one on the day when we generate a new report at the latest two hours before the market opens. You will have enough time to log in to your Analytical Platform account to get the latest report and rebalance your portfolio.