How to read the Realized Summary Report in IBKR

How to read the Realized Summary Report in IBKR
To understand the results of your portfolio, we provide instructions on how to read the most used IBKR report, the Realized Summary Report. We will present the basic and at the same time the first table, Net Asset Value.
In our case, the above fields express the following information as of May 14, 2021:
- Cash Long – A value of cash on the account, expressed in Czech crowns.
- Cash Short – A value of the loan (which we took in dollars) converted into Czech crowns. *
- Stock Long – A value of long positions.
- Stock Short – A value of Short Positions (the higher the value of the Short Portfolio, the better. For example, if you invest -162,583.10 CZK in Short Positions and the shares weaken the next day (they move in your desired direction), the value of Short Positions will increase to -161 884.29. In practice, this figure says that we have to return the shares for this value (the higher the value towards the positive numbers, the less we return).
- Stock Total – A long position value plus Short position value. The higher the value, the better your portfolio costs in a given period. The difference in the first acquisition of the portfolio is financed from the dollars you hold (previous profit) plus a loan from IBKR (specificity of the margin account), the loan is displayed in Cash Short *. At the time of opening the positions, the value of the Cash Short should be equal to the inverse value of the Stock Total.
- Interest Accruals – A value of interest for the reporting period.
- Dividend Accruals – A value of dividends for the reporting period.
- Total Total – A value of account balance converted to Czech crowns as of the given day (May 14, 2021).
- Time Weighted Rate of Return – A percentage movement over the reporting period.
- Change – A movement in crowns during the reporting period.
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