Equities of strategy and benchmarks
The article from the series “Configuration of Investment Strategies” presents the Equities of Strategy and Benchmarks indicator that we use in the StockPicker configurator. The graph shows us the development of the portfolio value over time according to the previously entered input data. In …
Configuration of investment strategies
There are 3 things crucial for building stock investment strategies. …
Explanation of stock valuation
In today’s article, we will follow up on the article New era of stock-picking and creation of investment strategies. At the end of the article, readers were asked for feedback regarding their understanding of our explanation of the factors relevant to stock ranking. Thanks for …
Introduction to the Model Training
In the coming weeks, the first test users are going to be allowed to use the Beta version of the StockPicking Lab application in version 2.0, which significantly expands the possibilities of building robust investment strategies. Introduction to our model training. Let’s first recall what …
The Rise of ESG Investment: A Critical Analysis
Investments in governance, society, and the environment (ESG) have grown recently. In order to identify significant risks and expansion opportunities, this type of investment involves considering non-financial factors as part of the analysis process. ESG investing still faces some criticism despite its rising popularity. One …