A Comprehensive Analysis of Charles Akre’s Portfolio According to Markowitz’s Modern Portfolio Theory
Analytical Platform’s analysts took Charles Akre’s portfolio (Akre Capital Management) and analyzed it using Harry Markowitz’s Modern Portfolio Theory, which can be applied through our Portfolio Manager software. …
The Art of Short Selling: A Comprehensive Guide
Short selling, often misunderstood and misused, is a powerful tool in the hands of a savvy investor. It involves selling borrowed securities with the expectation that their prices will fall, allowing the investor to buy them back at a lower price and profit from the …
Factor analysis powered by AI
I have briefly touched the subject of multi-factor asset pricing models (APM) in article about AI powered investment management. With 18.4% returns, it allowed us to outperform the S&P 500 benchmark. Factor analysis is based on idea that an asset’s returns can be predicted using …
Best stocks picked by AI
“Best stock” is a term that is often advertised in a variety of contexts, and investors should pay close attention to how such evaluation was made. The best stocks for dividends will probably be different than the best for growth. In fact, the process of …
Video summarization using machine learning and AI
Video summarization using machine learning and AI An ordinary financial market analyst works by reading a large number of articles, watching broadcasts summarizing meetings of central banks, economic symposia, and speeches of statesmen, or watching announcing the results of individual companies included in his portfolio. …