Analytical Platform Newsletter 11/2022

Analytical Platform Newsletter 11/2022
Dear FinTech friends,
Advent days have come with the aroma of punch, winter, and Christmas mood, but even on these relaxing days, we are still thinking about you, and therefore this month you can expect news not only on the stock exchange this month.
Traditionally, we are once again bringing you a selection of three stock picks that our module has rated as the best for this month, and at the same time, for the second time, you should not miss the last article in our blog section called “AP on the Street,” where we analyze what happened last week. If you don’t want to wait to be reminded of our articles in our newsletter, feel free to visit our website, and you won’t miss anything important.
You can find this and much more for your comfortable investing here.
If you would like to receive the newsletter directly in your inbox, you can subscribe here.
We are glad to be here for you and wish you a pleasant trading experience!
Analytical Platform Team